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Team Safety Training for Contractors and Vendors

Team Safety Training
Chasing Zero
Eliminating Harm at UMMC

Welcome to the Team Safety Training and safety education program at University of Mississippi Medical Center.

At our organization, we are in a race to eliminate harm, hence our “Chasing Zero” slogan.

Because you work on our campus, you play a role in this journey. The following slides will tell you more about what you can do to help keep our patients safe.



  • Learn what is a safety concern at UMMC
  • Learn how to report safety concerns
  • Learn what you should do if faced with a task you are uncertain how to complete


Message from the Chief Medical Officer

Team Safety Training 2023 - YouTube


Did you know that medical errors are a BIG problem?

Two Boeing 747s would have to crash every week to equal the number of Americans who die annually in US hospitals due to medical errors.


Let's break it down...

  • A Serious Safety Event occurs approximately once a day. 
  • Hospital acquired infections occur approximately every day.
  • Delays in treatment cause significant harm approximately every 4 days.


Types of safety events

Here are some example of safety events you may observe or be a part of:

  • You are collecting the trash from a room and discover a needle in the bag.
  • Or you are pick up a food tray and there is medications left on the tray.
  • Or what if you see a visitor fall?

At UMMC we are responsible to keep everyone safe and this includes patients, staff (contracts and vendors) as well as our visitors.


What should be reported?

  • Unsafe conditions
  • Patient safety issues
  • Near miss events
  • Behavioral events
  • Work place violence
  • Visitor events

It is important to investigate in real time, delays in reporting will cause delays in investigating and could result in another similar event.

REMEMBER: Timely reporting is essential!!!


How do you report a safety concern?

  • Report to your supervisor
  • Call a Hotline
  • Enter an I-CARE event


Call to report any concerns

Safety Hotline

You can enter an event anonymously!


If you have access to the UMMC Intranet, then you will open the I-CARE system by:

1. Opening the UMMC Intranet on the Clinical tab.
2. Clicking the I-CARE link under Clinical on the home page. 


How to complete an I-Care?

  • Answer the 10 brief questions
  • Only required to answer the asterisk questions

You can enter an event anonymously!


Who reports?

We all report!


Have a questioning attitude?

  • Everyone Supports a Questioning Attitude.
  • I will question!
  • I will welcome being questioned!


If you are unsure, DON’T move forward in the face of UNCERTAINTY

  • If you are uncertain about what you are to do…
  • If you have questions…
  • If someone raises a concern or question...

How about when a patient is in medical isolation?

Do you know what type of protection you should wear to enter that room? This is important as you could be putting the patient and yourself at risk.


Stop and Resolve

  • STOP
  • Get the right person to help you
  • Resolve your concerns before moving forward


Let's all keep the patients safe

Each individual must act and believe that…

Safety Starts with ME!


What do patients want?

  1. Keep me safe
  2. Heal me
  3. Be nice to me

...In this order

Every person in this organization plays a part in these three needs. Think about how you can make a difference to keep everyone safe at UMMC.


If you have any questions, contact the Risk Management Department at 601-815-1994.


Let's validate your understanding of this information with a short assessment.

1. What is the UMMC core value?

  1. Quality
  2. Cost
  3. Safety
  4. Patient Satisfaction

2. What should be reported as a safety concern?

  1. Unsafe conditions
  2. Good catch events
  3. Visitor events
  4. All of the above

3. How do you report a serious safety event?

  1. Report to supervisor or enter an I-CARE 
  2. Phone a friend
  3. Don’t report it, someone else will
  4. All of the above

4. What should you do if asked to perform a task you are unsure how to do?

  1. Ignore the request
  2. Do the task anyway, as you can figure it out as you go
  3. Stop and get the right person to help
  4. I don’t know what to do in this situation

5. Who does safety start with?

  1. Safety starts with leadership
  2. Safety starts with me
  3. Safety only applies to my boss
  4. Safety is not an issue


Quiz Answers

  1. c. Safety
  2. a. Unsafe conditions
  3. a. Report to supervisor or enter an I-CARE
  4. c. Stop and get the right person to help
  5. b. Safety starts with me